Welcome to the large-scale pastoral complex·Gaoling·China Village!


(1) This column accepts inquiries about laws, policies, procedures and other issues in the process of handling affairs of various departments in this scenic area by individuals and enterprises. The general question department will give a reply within 5 working days, and the more complicated ones will be extended appropriately. The reply in this column is a guiding opinion that does not have legal effect. Specific issues must be resolved through legal channels (lawsuits, reconsiderations, letters and visits, etc.).

(2) For questions about message consultation, please submit to the column at the bottom of the homepage of this website.

(3) For supervision and complaint issues, please submit them in the "Complaints and Suggestions" section of the homepage of this website.

(4) Questions that do not fall within the scope of acceptance of this column and are not suitable for disclosure are deemed invalid. The management personnel of this column have the right to delete and modify them and not notify them again.



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